Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hello all. :D

La familia Amandariz is and investigator familia from the previous set of
missionaries. They're really great, and I have high hopes for them. They
also won't pray to know fi the church is true. Ahh well. I suppose that is
one reason they send real people to teach the gospel- to help with things
like that. :)
And we do. There are many less actives in Loma Florida ( and all of México
), and so, much of our work focuses on them, and helping them come back to
church, and enjoy the blessing of the Gospel. I sometimes wonder, if only
briefly, if we're not making peoples lives harder, not easier- if maybe
they'd have a better time of it if we just left them be.
Dear friends and Family, I, like Peter in John 6:66-69 (I belive.), can
testify that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is indeed the
Church of Jesus Christ. To whom shall we go? (Or less actives, or
investigators), Thou hast the words of life.
No, they would not be better off without this message. Jesus Christ
has the words of life, and He has sent me, and thousands of others, to
share it with the world. No, it won't be easy. But, we help them do
what they came here to do, and they knew it wouldn´t be easy. Also, as
Doctrine and Covenants says, All who desire to serve are called-
whether formally or not- to invite others to come unto Christ "invitar
a las personas a venir a Cristo" however that may be.

Shall we not go on in so great a cause?

Also, today as a Zone, we hiked Malinche. :DD Sweet!! Apparently it's
over 14,000 ft. Sweet. It really was way cool. I thought of my Best
Friend, My Beast Sisters, My Scout troop, and my Dad, with Whom I
hiked pikes peak. :) I love you all. :))
And, I'll try to send some pictures. :)
Oh, and turns out Malinche is more dangerous than Popocatepetl (yes, I
can say that. ;), because it's past due to erupt. Ok. *shrug* Cool. :D

And Dad, Happy Fathers Day. *Big hug*

Elder Haubner *-*

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this! I hope you'll continue to update this website - would love to continue reading Quinn's updates (as well as Ryn's!)!
